5 Behaviour Management Strategies

As it was conflict resolution day yesterday this weeks Buddy?s Friday Five is about top behavioural strategies for teachers.

  1. Put out small fires before they grow 
    Most misbehaviour can be dealt with quickly and easily. You can do this by correcting minor infringements on-the-spot and then moving on with the lesson

  1. Group and individual reinforcement
    Reinforcement involves rewarding good behaviour while discouraging undesirable behaviour

  1. Build strong relationships
    Teachers who have strong relationships with their students find it much easier to manage their students? behaviour. You forge strong relationships by being both firm and caring ? while also pressing your students to do their very best at school

  1. Build routines 
    On average, students spend 15% of their class time following routine procedures. You establish these routines at the start of the year, and in the words of behaviour management guru Bill Rogers, you establish, what you establish, if students have a disciplined routine they will be less likely to miss behave

  1. Structure your teaching

When teaching a new class, or struggling to gain control of a tough class the following aspects of teaching are absolutely critical: clear lesson goals, never asking students to do something they don?t know how to do, judicious use of group work and holding them accountable for the work they have done either as an individual or in a group