5 Best Apps for Teachers

This weeks Buddy?s Friday Five counted down the best five apps for teachers; this includes apps that will help them in the class room, apps that will help them stay organised and apps that can help their students. As the classroom is becoming a more technologically inclusive environment it is crucial that teachers move with the times and adapt to new technologies in order to engage with their students.

  1. Kahoot

The GetKahoot website makes it easy to turn your class into a gameshow. All you have to do is enter your prepared questions and answers into the site to create an instantly playable game with a web browser.

  1. Teach Learn Lead

Teach Learn Lead is like Facebook for teachers, where you can meet like-minded colleagues who may be anywhere in the country, but have relevant experience to share. You can start discussions and polls to share lesson plan ideas or career advice, or just gab about your students.

  1. Additio

Additio lets you take attendance, calculate grades, and plan your timetable, all on your mobile device


  1. Educreations

Educreations is an interactive whiteboard app that allows you to create easy to follow tutorials for students. You can record audio to narrate your actions as well, allowing you to create diagrams, commentary, simple animations, or instructions with coupled audio covering any topic

  1. Trello

Trello lets students stay organized, providing handy tools designed to keep them on task. The app allows them to create checklists, upload images, and assign tasks to other users.