5 Best Old School Lunches

Tomorrow is international Eat what you want day and so to mark the occasion this weeks Buddy's Friday Five covers all the best food we used to eat at school

  1. Turkey Dino's

These were a staple and a classic, when these were on the menu everyone was excited. Luckily they haven?t gone the way of its twizzler counterpart and become extinct, these can still be bought today. Unlike actual they have stood the test of time!

  1. Smiley Faces

These were a stick on for any meal and still are. Smiley faces make smiley faces

  1. Jam Roly Poly

Harry Redknapp's favourite and one of ours too. About as British as you get, i mean Jam and sponge what?s not to like!

  1. Alphabetti spaghetti

Top side, this was always next to a fried potato of sorts and come kind of breaded meat or fish. Perfect.

  1. Chocolate Sponge and Pink Custard

Simple yet beautiful.

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