5 Best Things About Easter
With the sun (occasionally) in the sky and nights slowly receding it is almost time for Easter. We love this time of year, so this week?s Buddy's Friday Five is our best things about Easter!
1. Flowers
Easter means spring, spring means flowers, everyone loves flowers!
2. Big Roast Dinner
This is always a highlight of any holiday or event. Lamb, potatoes, mint sauce, and veg - you can't go wrong
3. Easter Egg Hunts
This old tradition really has stood the test of time. There is nothing more exciting as a child then running round hunting for chocolate eggs.
4. Lots of Chocolate
Mini eggs, chocolate eggs, chocolate bunnies. These are all things me and many others love about Easter. Lent is over and it?s time to load up on everything you have been missing out on, especially chocolate.
5. 2 Bank Holidays
A solitary bank holiday is a beautiful thing but back to back bank holidays on the Friday AND the Monday, that's miraculous and should be celebrated as such. Beer gardens and BBQ's are on the cards.
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