5 Step Guide to Mothers Day

As its Mother?s Day on Sunday, this weeks Buddy?s Friday Five will be our Class People 5 step Guide to Mothers Day.

  1. Remember

Yeah quite an important one actually but it is very easy to forget. If you fail this step disappointment and a trip to the petrol station will be on the cards

  1. Buy Gifts

Another big one, most moms will say they are happy with just a card. Do not trust this if you are over the age of 12. It doesn't have to be a big expensive gift but some flowers or chocolate will be perfect to show your mom you care

  1. Make Breakfast

This one is optional but a very nice touch for those going all out for their mom. If you have got a big lunch or early tea on that cards don't bother, but if you haven't a little bacon sandwich does wonders

  1. Do All The Housework

If your mom is the one that does all the housework taking care of everything on the big day is a lovely gesture and one any mother would appreciate. Even if you are awful at housework it's the effort that counts

  1. Plan A Lovely Tea

It is always nice to end mothers day with a big meal with the whole family round. Just make sure it?s not your mom doing the cooking

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