5 Top Tips For Revision
This week because GCSE mocks are mostly done and marked Buddy?s Friday Five is "5 Tips For Revision" to prepare for the real ones! Nobody likes revision but hopefully with these tips it can be slightly less stressful.
- Find out what kind of learner you are
Everyone learns in different ways. Some like colour-coded diagrams; others will be able to learn simply by reading and copying. It's important to find out what suits you!
- Do lot's of past papers
Familiarising yourself with exam technique before the exam can often save you time and help to earn marks.
- Make it colourful
It has been proven that colourful notes are easier to memorise than plain black and white ones
- Find a quiet space
This is a simple one, if you can't hear yourself think you won't learn!
- Take regular Breaks
This is important as it allows the information to digest, it also reduces stress