5 Useful Apps For Students

For this weeks Buddy?s Friday Five we are taking a look at 5 useful educational Apps for students.

  1. Howcast

Howcast is an app that's full of instructional videos and can be useful to students at any level

  1. TED App

This app gives students access to a wide variety of educational videos on a variety of topics.

  1. Mindmeister

This app can help students revise or plan an assignment by using a digital mind map. Students can create and edit mind maps, and easily organise them in folders with themes, images, notes, links etc.

  1. Instapaper

This is a great way to keep track of articles to use and then reference.

  1. WordHippo

WordHippo can help students avoid tired and overused words by showing them examples of similar ones that convey the same meaning. It also provides opposite words, word meanings, example sentences, pronunciation and rhyming words.