5 ways to relax after the first week of term

After a summer break going back to school can be stressful and tiring, in this edition of Friday five there are ideas on how to relax and destress after the first week back of term.

  1. Food and drink. What we eat and drink has a huge impact on our sate of mind, therefore getting it right is essential after a long first week. Whether that is indulging in your favourite meal or eating healthily to feel fresh.

  1. Create a stress free environment. Having a stress free environment is key to relaxing, Having your own personal space to relax and reflect after the first week back can help you recuperate for the week ahead.

  1. Exercise. Getting outdoors and exercising with your family or friends is a great way to release endorphins, helping the stress of the week melt away.

  1. Spend time with your friends and family. Whether that be going out with your friends or staying in with your family, spending time with the people who make you happy is a great way to relax

  1. Start planning your next holiday ! After the first week back its time to start fantasising about your next holiday away in the sun