Are We Too Scared To State The Obvious?

Are we too scared to state the obvious?

With female students consistently out performing male students in schools, why are female teachers being left behind their male counterparts in the ever controversial gender pay gap?

Are we too scared to bring up that boys are being left behind at the risk of a ?militant feminist? backlash?

When it comes to gender equality in schools the current system is anything but equal, but is that due to a lack of understanding about gender inequality? Should we, as per suggestions by the Scottish Government, be tackling this from an early age by introducing "safe and nurturing gender-neutral education and learning in all settings, from early years onwards?? Or, should we be encouraged to speak out without fear of backlash?

Recent movements including #timesup and #metoo campaigns are all fighting the battle to speak up and not to fear the backlash but is this enough? Is anyone actually listening? Having worked in a multitude of workplaces I have often seen comments raising these issues be knocked down with the same responses of ?it?s not an issue? or ?it?s all in your head? and my personal favourite ?here comes the feminist!? The only way to change attitudes is to listen to what is being said, a skill that no number of studies, reports, female CEO?s or Prime Ministers can fix.

We need to encourage and engage our employees to speak up by welcoming the questions, opinions and challenges to the status quo. We need to reassure all that doing so is welcomed and not to fear the response as employers are open to all conversations, not just the easy to fix ones with an easy answer topic. This only comes from a place of trust and transparency.

 If we are to change our ?too scared? too speak mentality we must first build trust, and a belief that what is being said is being listed too, obvious or not.