Autism Awareness 2019

10 interesting facts:

  1. Autism is a neurological Developmental Condition
  2. Autism affects every person differently
  3. Autism is a spectrum 
  4. People are different in 3 main areas ? Focus & Attention, Reaction to sensory input, Thinking & Processing
  5. People often hide their Autistic traits
  6. People are NOT a little bit Autistic
  7. Autistic people are incredibly diverse
  8. People don?t grow OUT of Autism
  9. Autism cannot  be cured
  10. Autism IS A disability

Many people have an understanding of Autism that is based on little more than stringing together a few popular stereotypes.  In the past few decades the world has come a long way in its understanding of Autism. This is not least due to the contributions of autistic adults shedding insight into their own condition.

Autism has become a major part of our society and I have a friend who has to live with Autism every day, but says there are incredible things that come from having autistic children.  As a parent it makes us humble and grateful for all the little things, a word, a cuddle, a smile, even a swear word will do.  The simplest of things that most people take for granted are the most magical moments that a parent gets to share with their children.  These children didn?t ask for autism and parents didn?t ask for it either, its? just one of those things that happen, which, as a parent you have to deal with.

The way Autistic children deal with their condition is amazing as they have to cope in an environment, where people don?t understand the disability fully, so it is vital that we include them in everyday living and social situations.  Therefore it is important for children to understand that?s it?s ok for some children to be different. Some children wear glasses, some are short, some are deaf, some are shy, some are autistic! It?s ok to include and be friends with everyone, there?s nothing to fear about being different. 

I myself, am mother of 4.  My eldest doesn?t have Autism, but has Global Developmental Delay and the other 3 are identical triplet boys.  As a family, we have had to educate the boys their sister is different to them and might not be able to do the same things them, but in fact it is ok.  We have taught them to understand her brain works in a different way to theirs, but because she can?t verbalise things or play in the same way they do, doesn?t mean they need to exclude her, but in fact find a different way/means of communicating and playing.  This is exactly the same if a child has Autism.

Fundamentally they are children and all children, shout, scream, misbehave, get overly excited and sometimes upset the apple cart but that?s life.  Just because someone behaves differently doesn?t mean they don?t care, understand or feel.