Christmas Made Easy

As the weather is changing and low temperatures are setting over the country, some drastic changes are happening outside, where nature leaves its summer clothes behind and bracing itself for winter.

As we are creatures of habit, a bit of change in our daily routine, even if it?s the weather, can have a huge impact on our morale and our day to day activities. There are people that love the changes outside and the low temperatures, or if you are like me you are absolutely hating these few cold months. Being cold and windy with the possibility of snow or rain is my worst nightmare.

However in what I think is the most horrible weather (even though I will probably change my mind calling the weather in the UK the most horrible, as Siberian winter can be a lot more harsher), one thing I always wait impatiently for in these cold months is Christmas.

Christmas has always had a special place in my heart, which will make all the congestions in towns, shops and the cold weather disappear. Growing up, getting ready for Christmas was my favourite part of the year.

Helping my parents put up the Christmas lights and tree, decorating the house and having evening workshops creating Christmas globes and decorations with my mum were the highlight of the season for me. Gathering all the materials we can find around the house, trying to put them altogether and use our imagination to create from recycled materials some great small gifts or tree decorations was always exciting.

Thinking back at what made this Christmas period special for me, I have decided to share with you some of the favourite decorations and how to make them.

Paper globe

All you need to make a Paper Christmas Globe is:

  • 6 paper rounds/ 1 Coloured paper sheet  (chose the paper colours that you want and cut them off in 6 circles)
  • Scissors
  • String
  • Glue



Step 1

Fold the paper circles in half


Step 2

Apply glue on one side of the folded circle


Step 3

Glue together 3 of the paper circles and attach the string in the middle


Step 4

Glue the other 3 paper and decorate as you like




Recycled Christmas Tree

All you need to make a Christmas Tree from recycled materials is:

  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Soft cardboard sheet (the cover page of a magazine)
  • Tissue paper (white/ green)







Step 1

Make a cone out of the cardboard sheet and glue the ends


Step 2

  • Prepare the tissue paper by cutting it in 2 cm strips.


Step 3

Apply glue in small portions on the cone and fringe the tissue paper around the cone.


Step 4

Push the paper downwards to create a fuller look and decorate as you would like.




Cardboard Christmas Star

All you need to make a Christmas Star from recycled materials is:

  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Empty toilet paper role
  • Glitter, Salt or Sugar 

Step 1

Cut the paper role into 5, 1 cm strips.




Step 2

Glue the 5 strips together to form a star and let it dry


Step 3

Cover the star in glue and sprinkle glitter/ sugar or salt on top to cover it.