Fun end of term activities
With the end of term looming for this week?s Buddy?s Friday Five we focus on fun activities that teachers can do before the summer holidays.
- Create a memory book
This can be a really fun and creative thing to do with your class and can work for both KS1&2. They can make their own or you can get templates here
- Hold an awards ceremony
Yearbook-type nominations will really get your class buzzing. You can create different awards and then hold a secret vote. Keep it light and get minor prizes like sweets to give out as prizes and consolatory prizes.
- Let the pupils teach
Split the class into groups and assign each a specific topic you studied this year. Give them time to go over their topic and invent a good review activity. This is a great way to have fun whilst consolidating the knowledge they have learnt throughout the year
- Have a sing song
If you have a class that particularly enjoys music and learning songs, you could use your last class to sing songs.
- Movie and Popcorn day
As everyone who attended school knows that at the end of term the TV will be wheeled out. Change it up my creating your own cinema with decorations and seat arrangements