Global Warming

As a planet we are currently in a position we have never found ourselves in before, this is because the levels of carbon dioxide that are in the atmosphere are the highest they have been in centuries and it is only getting worse by the day. This is having an adverse effect on the earth?s temperature through the process of global warming as I am sure everyone has seen and heard in the papers and on TV. There is clear evidence proving there is a change in climate yet little action is being taken and many still don?t believe its happening. As I look out of my office window in February, however, to see bright sun and 16 degrees spanning a whole week it?s hard to argue that something isn?t quite right.

After having done some research (searched on google) it would appear that we are damaging our planet in a plethora of ways. We are raising the general surface temperature of the earth at an alarming rate, with the five warmest years on record taking place since 2010. With this global warming of the climate we are shrinking ice sheets, causing glacial retreat and seeing a decrease in snow cover. All of which is making the sea levels rise (around 8 inches in the last century). Raising the temperature of the earth is also causing the climate to become unstable, prompting a rise in extreme weather events; in America for example they have experienced an increase in huge wildfires. It is not only the heat that is harming our planet either, the fumes that we are pumping into the atmosphere on a daily basis are causing the ocean to become more acidic. The amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by the upper layer of the oceans is increasing by about 2 billion tons per year which is starting to impact wildlife.

 It is easy to ignore the problem and act like it isn?t there because its potential effects on the earth and humanity are scary and relatively unknown but this only exacerbates the issues that we have created. With children skipping school in protest of what the older generation has done to the planet I believe that it is time to start implementing real change.