How to prevent burns in children

Monday the 3rd June saw the start of Child Safety Week 2019. This year there is a specific focus on burns and how to prevent them. So for this week?s Buddy?s Friday it is ?Ways to prevent Child Burns?

  1. Don't smoke near children or indoors.

Falling asleep whilst smoking is a massive cause of house fires and it is easy to accidentally Burn a child when smoking around them. It can also be extremely damaging to the child's lungs.


  1. Use Child Safety Covers on Plug Sockets

Electrical burns can be fatal for young children so keeping these cheap covers on when the plug isn't in use is a must


  1. Ensure Nightlights Don't Touch Fabric

If curtains or bedding are left on nightlights there is a possibility that they will start to burn therefore keeping them separate is essential


  1. Don't Use Walkers In The Kitchen

Walkers allow children to reach things they wouldn't usually but in the kitchen especially this can be very dangerous.


  1. "No Play Zones" Around The Oven

The oven and surrounding areas are obviously a dangerous place for a young child and no place to play. A three foot no play zone should be implemented!