Public Service Day
Public Service Day 23rd June 2019
Public Service Day is all about giving back and thanking those that work so hard to make the UK the amazing place that it is. From bin men to doctors the public sector and those that work in it protect us, teach us, keep us safe, heal us and keep the country running. This is why we fully support this day and saying a big thank you to all that work in the public sector, especially our teachers!
We would like to say thank you to our teachers, not just because they do an amazing job but because they have stayed in an industry that so many have left or refuse to enter. All of the teachers out there today have been resilient, they have seen their sector change and degrade in the past couple of years, and yet they have carried on doing what they love anyway. I believe that this shows just how passionate teachers are, they aren?t in it for the money and they definitely don?t do what they do because it?s an easy line of work, they do it because they love doing it and want to make a difference.
In the past two years the Government has cut ?2.8bn from England?s schools, a ridiculous and frankly irresponsible amount for any sector. Since 2011 spending has been cut by ?7bn and in a recent article by the BBC The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) says a further ?1.1bn would be needed each year up until 2023 to put things right. These budget cuts coupled with a rising population has meant that schools are now underfunded and overworked. Conditions in these schools have gotten so bad that some have been labelled as dangerous, teachers are having to fill in for dinner ladies and cleaners and are even having to buy school basics such as textbooks, stationery and science equipment. It seems to be the children that have special educational needs that seem to be suffering the most as EHCP?s are becoming harder to come by and schools just don?t have the resources to help themselves.
In pretty much every school horror story that I hear or read online, on the news and in the papers there always seems to be a group of teachers that are going above and beyond for their pupils and school. Teachers like Andrew Moffat, the teacher fighting for LGBT rights in Birmingham. Heroic teachers like this, that give their all to their profession and pupils need to be recognised and thanked, especially as the job is only getting harder. So this Public service day we would like to say THANK YOU!