Purple Day 2019
Purple Day 2019
Today is Purple Day, an awareness day created back in 2008 to raise awareness for epilepsy. The goal is to get people talking about epilepsy in an effort to dispel myths and inform those with seizures that they are not alone. With an estimated 1 in 100 people having epilepsy and public knowledge of the condition very low, you can see why there is a need for a day like this. The days founder Cassidy Megan was motivated to raise awareness after her own struggles with the condition and was quickly backed when the Epilepsy Association of Nova Scotia came on board.
Epilepsy is a condition that affects the brain causing patients to fit and have seizures. Around 50 million people around the world suffer from the condition and as it stands there is currently no cure, only treatment. For 0-15% of people with epilepsy, the surgical removal of the seizure focus, the part of brain where the person?s seizures start, can eliminate all seizure activity. For more than half of people with epilepsy, medication will control their seizures. For some however they have to live with the condition on a daily basis all of their life.
Diagnosing Epilepsy can be difficult as some other medical conditions can cause symptoms similar to epilepsy meaning that it takes a specialist to diagnose from the symptoms. These can then be followed up by various tests to determine what kind of epilepsy the patient has. It is currently difficult to diagnose and spot Epilepsy before a seizure, which can be extremely dangerous as there are 1200 deaths related to epilepsy a year in the UK. This means that catching and diagnosing the condition as early as possible is crucial, this requires funding to research into new techniques and medicines. This is why this Purple day we urge everyone to give a little and donate to a great cause that is helping so many people.
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