How to ensure you're getting a steady income as a supply teacher
We?ve said it many times before, and we?ll keep saying it; supply teachers are an absolutely essential staffing requirement in schools to keep them running smoothly. Whether they?re covering permanent staff in a primary or secondary school, sixth form or further education establishment, or taking on other supply teaching jobs in the UK altogether, supply teachers provide invaluable support and shoulder a multitude of different challenges every day to bring young people the education they deserve. Needless to say, we?re huge advocates for championing supply teachers and everything they do here at Class People!
However, with concerns over budget cuts still rife in the education sector and schools forced to find alternatives to the expenditure on supply teachers, how can those that choose supply teaching as their career path of choice ensure they?re getting a steady income? Read on to find out?
What is a supply teacher?s salary?
The salary for a supply teacher depends on a variety of factors, such as the school they work for and their level of experience. In addition, salaries also depend on whether the teacher is directly employed by a school or local authority, if they are self-employed, or if they are an agency supply teacher. Generally speaking, according to the National Education Union and NASUWT, qualified supply teachers can expect to earn between ?28,000 and ?45,000, with day rates ranging from ?143 to ?224.
Qualifications and training
To work as a supply teacher, you need to gain your Qualified Teacher Status (or Teaching Qualification, if you?re in Scotland), either through an undergraduate or postgraduate degree or through a postgraduate teacher training programme. But the learning doesn?t stop there; by taking on additional training and CPD opportunities ? such as the ones we offer to our supply staff here at Class People ? you?ll build up a strong foundation of knowledge that?ll put you in a good position to get well-paid and/or frequent placements. It?ll also demonstrate to schools that you?re passionate about what you do, which will increase these opportunities further!
Be flexible
One of the best things about supply teaching jobs in the UK is the flexibility they offer. Unlike full-time teaching jobs, as a supply teacher, you?re not restricted to working only in term time and can choose where you want to work, and when!
If you want to ensure you?re getting a steady income from the role, however, it?s good to ensure that you?re as flexible as possible, too; quite simply, the more days you?re available, the more days you can be offered work, and subsequently, the more you?ll earn!
Be open to opportunities
It?s also advisable to be open to as many opportunities as you?re offered. Of course, you?re not going to be able to take on everything ? that won?t do much good for your health or work/life balance ? but if you?re open to new opportunities, you?ll not only build up an amazing repertoire of experience that?ll make your CV really stand out to schools, but you?ll open even more doors to potentially even better-paid supply teaching jobs in the UK. Not only that, it?s great to get out of your comfort zone every now and again. And who knows ? you might discover a new skill you never thought you had before!
Stick to a role for as long as you can
If you find a school placement you particularly enjoy in your supply teaching role, it?s a good idea to try and stay there as long as you can. The longer you stay, the more responsibilities you?re likely to be given, and with more responsibilities comes greater pay! In a similar vein?
Build good relationships
One of the tricky parts about being a supply teacher is that you?re not usually in a school placement for long enough or regularly enough to get to know your colleagues, or even see the point in doing so. However, if you take the time to build relationships with fellow teachers and staff and make a good impression ? from doing the coffee round on your break or having a good chinwag in the staffroom to offering to cover playground supervision ? you?ll be well-liked, well-remembered ? and therefore more likely to be invited back should they need supply cover again. And you may even be offered more pay, too!
Find a trusted agency that will help you get as many opportunities as possible
According to NASUWT, 79% supply teachers are now employed through an agency, which means that, if you want to ensure you?re getting a steady income, it?s important to find an agency that will help you to get as many teaching opportunities as possible. At Class People, we?re lucky to work with a wide variety of schools across the UK and be able to offer numerous and exciting supply teaching opportunities (among other benefits)! If you?d like to know more, have a browse of the current roles we have available here, or feel free to contact our education recruitment experts here.