Top Tips for SATs Week

Top Tips for SATs Week

With SAT?s upon us, I?m sure there have been many 10 and 11 year olds across the country worrying, stressed and having sleepless nights over the weekend.  This is the first pinnacle moment in their educational lives and for many it is a concern.  Not only have there been worried children, but I bet there are many Year 6 teachers and head teachers across the country also stressed out; worrying if the children are going to perform on the day, be able to access the knowledge from their brains under exam conditions and most importantly be able to shine and show their true potential!

Having been a Year Six teacher for many years, I remember the pressure SAT?s brings upon a school, because it doesn?t just affect Year 6, but the whole school who have to be silent throughout (something you will agree is incredibly hard for young children).  Not only that, but as a Year Six teacher you have the added pressure of ensuring that you are going to meet and exceed expected levels and national averages etc due to the results being something the school is measured on.  Are the pupils going to be getting the added value for their predicted grades from Key Stage One?  Are my disadvantage groups going to do better than expected?  What about the boys?  It is a horrible worrying time, not least the long wait afterwards whilst you longingly await the results! 

From my experience though, children show they are fully resilient, many (if not all in my experience) commented ? and I quote: ?Was that it?  What was all the fuss about? It?s no different from our usual end of term assessments or practise papers.?  I do understand however first thing in the morning can be stressful and many parents can worry also, so, here are some of my top tips for teachers, pupils and schools to help them through this week.


  • Have fruit, squash and maybe even breakfast available to all Year Six?s in the morning before the tests.  It makes it a sociable, less scary week for the children.  I used to cook bacon butties and offer juice to 60+ year sixes every day during SAT?s each year and it was amazing how they responded.  This also ensures everyone has eaten and drunk before the tests.
  • Have fruit available throughout the day, the stress and worry can burn more calories and the last thing you want is ?hangry? children.
  • For each room that the test will take place in, have a plastic wallet with the correct amount of equipment and a card printed for each child with their name, date of birth, school number etc to copy (You?d be surprised how many cannot spell their middle names).
  • Make the week a fun week, maybe have a 1 week creative topic where the children design and make something (no marking, stress free for the children and somewhat therapeutic and child led!)
  • Have a surprise, goal or exciting activity planned for the Friday or following week.  I?ve done things like a trip to a theme park (learning orientated I promise), hired bouncy castles and inflatable assault courses, a day doing fun sporting activities, music workshops, a movie and popcorn.  A science day with experiments.  The children deserve it, but more importantly, so do the teachers!
  • Ensure that you, as the teacher, and the children get enough sleep and rest.  There is no point in worrying about what has happened as it is in the past or what may happen.  Go for a walk, do something you enjoy, but most importantly, don?t worry about school.


SAT?s is 1 week, every year and the pressures remain the same for everybody involved.  Just remember, you can get through it, it never is as bad as you remember or people make it out to be and it is actually a fun and exciting time to be enjoyed, especially when everyone is successful in getting through the week!  So keep calm and carry on being amazing.