Why Sport is so Important in Schools

Why Sport is so Important in Schools

It?s a known fact that kids who are active in sports at school are fitter, healthier and are more confident. I also think that it helps children be more focused, committed and show dedication in other subjects.  In my spare time I help coach football for an under 10?s youth team and during my time coaching I can see how beneficial playing a sport like football can be. I believe that my time coaching football really supports and gives children the necessary life skills to develop their personalities and these skills will stay with them throughout. I believe that the following skills can be developed, learnt and used through playing such a sport as football, and these skills can be used through every walk of life; whether this is at work, school, and sport or in personal life.

The most important skills I have found are developed through my coaching are;

Improved Social Skills

Participation in sports at schools provides a sense of belonging and being part of a team/group. You interact with your team mates and this gains confidence when speaking or meeting new people. You learn the interests and desires of your teammates and to practice mutual respect. You learn very quickly why it is so important to work together and learn to cope with success and failure as a team. These are all important as it helps grow bonds and relationships which in turn help the child grow as person.

Better Health

Growing up I was always outside running around involved with sports and other activities which I?m for ever thankful to my parents for forcing me outside to participate in all these sports (especially on those rainy weekends). As if I had stayed indoors like most kids do nowhere days I?d probably be in bad shape/weight, not eating right and purely not getting the fitness and exercise needed. With so many choices of new computer consoles, games, new TV shows, channels and everything you can do on the internet can make children inactive and increase the risk of an unhealthy future. Competing in sports at school supports the healthy growth of the heart, lungs, muscles and bones. It also improves agility, coordination and balance.

Lower Risk of Negative Influences

Children who participate in sports are less likely to commit crimes, but also engaging in sports prevents boredom. This makes options such as smoking, drinking and drugs less appealing. It?s a known fact that when participating in sports at a young age helps grow friendships and also develops independency, this in turn prevents bad choices when growing up and gives a sense of maturity.

Self-Esteem and Confidence

When Children participate in sports at school, they develop a variety of techniques and skills. The children take part in friendly competition with schoolmates and have an easier time maintaining a healthy lifestyle. When I coach at the weekends and the kids win games they gain a sense of accomplishment, which helps their self-esteem but more importantly it helps boost their confidence when interacting with others.

After reading this I hope you who have children push or nudge them into the competitive world of sports and encourage them into doing more sports at school, help let them grow into a brighter and healthier future.