Why is World Book Day important?

Read this blog to discover the true importance of World Book Day and how, by taking on permanent teaching jobs with Class People, you can help your pupils discover the joy of reading.

As a child, reading became a chore to me. 

I suspect it?s a similar story for countless others. I absolutely loved it for years, reading as much as possible, and then I started having to study books at school.  
I found this nearly destroyed my love of reading; having to discuss interpretations, analyse paragraphs (?What do the blue curtains really mean??) and write essays about books I would have never chosen to read? it all made me hate the sight of a book.  
From my own experience and from talking to the teachers who have taken on permanent teaching jobs here at Class People, I know many absolutely love delving deeper into literature and studying all aspects of a single novel. 
Had I not been much of a bookworm before, however, studying texts would have been my sole experience of reading and it would have put me off for good.  
Thankfully, I had that experience of reading for leisure and still read on a daily basis (fortunately without having to analyse the colour of curtains). 

When I was in primary school, I always thought of World Book Day as essentially a non-uniform day. 

But after moving to secondary school when I began to lose my love for reading, I realised it?s actually a day to highlight reading for fun.  
I hadn?t considered that some may have never experienced that side of reading ? and would?ve looked at you funny if you said you did. 
That?s why World Book Day is important, especially today with so many new forms of entertainment available to children, as my colleague Sarah discussed in her blog.  

World Book Day provides an opportunity for literature to be explored by children in a fun, non-analytical way. 

This could lead to a life-long obsession, or inspire them to pursue a certain career ? whether in publishing or in something they have read about. 
With just 50% of children saying they enjoy reading, it is well worth the effort to show the other 50% how great it can be. There?s something for everyone in books, whether you want to read about knights in shining armour, dystopian futures or alternate histories. 

Want to inspire children?s love of reading? 

We have a plethora of permanent teaching jobs here at Class People that will enable you to do exactly that! Simply register with us today to learn more and start your teaching career journey...