5 Benefits of Playing Sports at School
Following on from Robert Mills? blog that was posted this week titled ?Why get involved in sport at a young age?? this weeks Buddy?s Friday Five explores the benefits of playing sports in school.
- Reduces stress
Playing sport and exercising in general is a great natural way to loosen up and let go of stress. It has been proven to release endorphins in the brain that trigger a positive feeling in the body and reduce the feeling of pain
- Improves leadership and teamwork skills
Taking part in sports activities can often involve being a team leader of a small or large group. This not only helps students build confidence, but it?s also great practice for in the future
- Physical Health benefits
Daily, physical activity will help children stay healthy and strong, whilst improving coordination
- Forming social relationships
Playing sports is a great way for students to interact with one another. Participating in school sports means students become part of a team, which in turn will help them bond as a group
- Positive Mentors
High school athletics are filled with positive mentors, from the coaches on the side lines to the leaders on the team