5 Things we miss about school

For This weeks Buddy?s Friday five we have become all nostalgic in the office as we answer the question, ?What do you miss about school??

  1. School hymns

Our consultants remember belting out Hymns in assembly 

  1. Getting new sports kit

Getting new sports kit before school started was always a massive highlight in school, showing off your new gear like football boots and cricket bat was always good fun

  1. The TV being rolled out

Any lesson was instantly improved by the presence of the roll in television heralding the promise of less work


  1. The Great teachers

As we all know teachers are the backbone of any school experience and can either make or break it. Here at class People we are dedicated to making the school experience amazing for every student

  1. School Lunches

School lunches were awful sometimes but they were also amazing, everyone has a lunch that they missed or that they have nostalgic links to like sponge and custard. Sometimes the simple things are the best!

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