Why is Early Childhood Education Important?

Why is Early Childhood Education Important?


Although not an early years practitioner myself, my knowledge of early childhood education has always been vast. Having grown up with a family full of Early Years educators, I fully understand the importance for early childhood education, as well as the needs of my clients and candidates.

Early childhood is commonly recognised as one of the most important periods in any human?s life. This is because what happens during this time can directly influence, or potentially hinder, development. It is a period of great opportunity for every child, but unfortunately it leaves them vulnerable to negative influences. As the brains development is most rapid in the early stages of life, the stimulation, nurturing and support of each child is significantly influential to their physical, emotional, and cognitive development.

Cognitive development is defined as the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making. In preschool age groups, this includes imagery and memory skills, increasing attention span and learning to read. By developing these skills, the children are more likely to achieve at a higher level academically later on in life.  

To conclude I believe that Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) settings must be of the highest quality. This is because the quality of these settings, and the experiences they have, impact all most every aspect of their intellectual development in relation to their cognitive and social skills, as well as in language. It is commonly known that educated people participate, and contribute to, the financial and social wealth of society. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure every child has the opportunity to learn and play in a safe and encouraging environment, in order to give that child a better start.

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