5 Ways of Spotting Childhood Mental Illness | Class People

5 Ways of Spotting Childhood Mental Illness

Monday 4th February will mark the start of Children’s Mental Health Week in the UK, a holiday with the aim to shine a spotlight on the importance of children and young people’s mental health. With that in mind this weeks Buddy’s Friday Five is 5 ways of spotting Mental illness in children.

  1. Exhaustion and irregular sleep 
    Feeling constantly tired, over sleeping or hardly sleeping at all are all signs of depression.


Childhood mental illness

  1. Trouble Concentrating 
    Constantly having difficulties concentrating could be a sign of anxiety


Childhood mental illness

  1. Loss Of Appetite
    A loss of appetite can be a warning sign for multiple mental health issues


Childhood mental illness

  1. Irritable
    irritability and mood swings can be a sign of mental distress


Childhood mental illness

  1. Withdrawn
    Being withdrawn or self separation is a sign of anxiety and depression


Childhood mental illness


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