Jeans for Genes 2018 | Class People

Jeans for Genes 2018

Jeans for Genes day 2018


This year, on the 21st September, in aid of the Jeans for Genes charity Class People got our cooking aprons on and held a bake sale in The Eagle Tower in Cheltenham.  

Jeans for genes


The consultants and support team all chipped in and baked or bought cakes to go on sale with the aim of raising money for the Jeans for Genes charity, a charity that helps those that have genetic disorders in the UK. As well as a successful bake sale the whole Class People team wore jeans to work, paying £2 for the privilege. The combined effort across all Class People offices helped raise £175 in total.

Jeans for genes

The £175 raised is a great start towards their goal of raising £10,000 this academic year. Last year Class People were successful in raising £4,000 for charity, however, this year they have upped their target in an attempt to raise even more for worthy charities

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